Anime Author: Who is Tobi? Part 3 The Most Likely Choices Part 2: Clone and Elder Son

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Who is Tobi? Part 3 The Most Likely Choices Part 2: Clone and Elder Son

Welcome to the second half of part 3 of my "Who is Tobi?" discussion, which will also conclude my discussions about Tobi's identity. In this discussion, I shall provide you with two lesser theories on Tobi's identity.

Madara Clone/Zetsu/ Double

Clones are very crucial in the world of Naruto. They can save lives, provide extra support, and they can be used in many tactical situations One possibility is that Madara created an imperfect clone of himself that would live on when he died. It may have required adding some of Zetsu's cells within him. Likewise, he may have created a double of himself, the way Muu did to save himself and later resurrect Madara. 

The Elder Son of the Sage

It is also somewhat likely that Tobi is actually the Elder Son of the Sage of the Six Paths, as he is the one who truly began the cycle of hatred. Tobi manipulates others with hatred like no other. Remember when Sasuke and Tobi invaded the Five Kage Summit? Tobi, pretending to be the dead Madara Uchiha, claimed that he was a "shell of his former self," and that he had lost to the First Hokage. Seeing that Madara was dead all along, it appears that Tobi has lied about everything, but perhaps there is some truth in what he said. Perhaps, when he said that he lost to the First Hokage, he was only lying about who he fought. Perhaps, instead of fighting the First Hokage, he had really fought the Younger Son of the Sage, and that may be how he became a "shell of his former self."

Well, that brings an end to my "Who is Tobi?" discussion. Thank you all for taking the time to read my theories!

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