Anime Author: Who is Tobi? Part 1: Tobi is not Obito

Monday, August 13, 2012

Who is Tobi? Part 1: Tobi is not Obito

Hi guys! As I said in my first post, I want to do a discussion about who Tobi might be. I also said that I don't believe that Tobi is Obito, although there were many pieces of evidence in the recent chapter pointing towards this possibility. This will be the first part of my "Who is Tobi?" discussion. Let me explain my reasoning as to why I believe that there is no way that Tobi can be Obito and who I think are the most logical possibilities.

 But before I get into all of that, there is something else that needs to be mentioned. A few years ago, before Tobi was introduced to be a major villain, half of the Naruto fanbase thought that Tobi was Obito, while the other half believed him to be none other than the legendary Madara Uchiha. Later, when Tobi claimed to be Madara, the Obito theorists were at a loss for words while the Madara theorists cheered in victory. The Obito theories started dying down. However, not too long ago, it was revealed that the legendary Madara Uchiha has been long dead and had been revived by the Impure World Resurrection. Once this occurred, the Madara theorists, including me, were the ones at a loss for words and there came a resurgence of the Obito theorists. So, it is my firm belief that the Obito theories must die down once again, and with my logic, I hope to bring them down.

So, let's get on with the discussion. There are many reasons why I think that there is no sense in the Obito theories.

First of all, Obito "died" in the Third Shinobi World War. Not long after that, Tobi attacked the Hidden Leaf Village with the Nine-Tailed Fox, Kurama. The time lapse between the two events is obviously not that long as Kakashi does not look much older in the latter event. Why is this important? Because during the attack on the Leaf, Tobi looks much taller than Obito. Not only that, but he also has the voice of a grown man. In relation to Kakashi's growth from the previous event, things obviously do not look right.

Second, Tobi knows too much. He knows about the Sage of the Six Paths and all of his history. He also knows a lot about the founding of the Hidden Leaf Village. Of course, it's wouldn't be too strange since this kind of information would possibly be found in books and scrolls. However, it appears that no one else from the current time period actually knows as much as him. He also acts as if he was there, during the founding of the village.

Third, Masashi Kishimoto, or Kishi, has confirmed that there is indeed a connection between Tobi and Madara. Madara died way before Obito came around. For them to be connected, it just doesn't make much sense for Tobi to be Obito.

The final point that I would like to make, even though there are many more subtle hints that I could mention, is this: Tobi has stated that he gave the Rinnegan to Nagato. Nagato was born way before Obito was. Tobi would have to be older than Nagato to have given him the Rinnegan, not younger since Nagato was a child when he activated the Rinnegan.

Well there you have it. Tobi simply cannot be Obito, and I have made many factual points to debunk this theory. Thank you for taking the time to read this!

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