Anime Author: Naruto Speculation: Madara vs the Five Kage

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Naruto Speculation: Madara vs the Five Kage

Hello readers! I have just finished my "Who is Tobi?" discussion, and whew, there were a lot of identities to choose from! Now that I've finished, I would like to further discuss some more topics about Naruto. Now, we should all know that the manga is getting closer and closer to its end, so there is much less time left for speculation. This is why I would like to address some of the points in the manga and speculate upon them before it reaches it's conclusion. The first topic that I would like to address is Madara Uchiha's fight with the Five Kage.

First of all, this is definitely going to be one of the last fights in the manga. I would like to address its importance to the story line. Recently, Madara has stated that he has become bored of the fight, and he would rather go after the Nine-Tailed Fox. The problem with this is that if Madara leaves without even finishing off one Kage, then the the whole fight would have been pointless. How? Because it would just be a stalemate where neither party wins. In other words, this situation would be as bad as fillers!!! The fight needs to have an outcome in which one side wins. Obviously Madara isn't going anywhere anytime soon, so the only other option is to have Madara kill at least one of the kage, no matter how sad and painful it'll be to watch. I personally don't think Madara will be able to leave that easily. I'm sure that the kage will attempt to take him down.

One thing that worries me is this: Madara might be able to leave the battlefield very easily. Why? Because he might have space-time jutsu!!!!! You might be thinking, "You're crazy for coming to such a drastic conclusion!" But I have one very important reason to think this. You see, back in the fight between Tobi and Minato Namikaze, Minato speculated that Tobi might actually be Madara for a multitude of reasons, one of them being that he could use space-time jutsu! If this is true, then Madara might actually just vanish from the five kage! Also, if this is true, then that not only means that there is more to Madara than meets the eye, but he STILL hasn't fought the kage with his full potential!

So, if Madara doesn't leave the battle just yet, and he does kill at least one kage, who should it be? And why? Let us go through each of the kage one by one.

First, we'll start with the Kazekage, Gaara. Gaara is a very popular and well-developed character. If he dies, fans will be very mad, but it will be sad to see him go. We've grown up with him and his tough childhood, so it'll be hard to say goodbye to him, but that is exactly why he could be the one to go. However, Kishi has already killed him off once, so it really won't feel the same if he died again.

Next, we'll go to the Mizukage, Mei Terumi. Who is the Mizukage? Exactly. We know absolutely nothing about the Mizukage. We really have no reason to care about the Mizukage. So if she's the one to die, there won't be any emotional impact on us. It would just feel the same as if she was one of those thousands of fodder ninja that Madara already killed. Maybe if we get some backstory on her and some motives, we'll start to feel something for her, and her death would not be a waste. But still, unlikely.

Let's move on to the Raikage, A. We know somethings about A, like how far he's willing to go to protect Killer B. He was willing to go as far as killing Naruto to protect the world! We know that he's not a huge fan of Minato. We know that he's arrogant, gets mad a lot , and he isn't one to reason with, usually. But still, he's a good guy. As a supporter of the protagonist (sort of), you're supposed to like him. But he's not one of those guys that would really be easy to like. I don't like him that much, but he's still a good guy who cares about others, and I respect that. It won't impact me that much if he dies, but it might for others. Also, if he dies, it might lead to an interesting case where Killer B becomes the Fifth Raikage!

Tsunade vs Madara. This is where it gets personal. The granddaughter of the First Hokage vs his rival. Madara said that he would aim to kill Tsunade first, since he hates the Senju clan and its descendants. Being the granddaughter of the man that he most respected and despised, Madara has his own reasons to want to kill Tsunade. It would make sense if he kept true to his word, and showed that the Will of Fire is weak while the Curse of Hatred lives on. It would also be very emotional to see such an important character like Tsunade to die, and only make us hate Madara more. However, due to Dan's recent rescue of Tsunade, she regained her chakra back, and Dan told Tsunade that it wasn't her time to die yet, so now Tsunade has a much smaller chance of dying now.

Finally, we have the Third Tsuchikage, Onoki. This battle is also personal for Onoki as he knew Madara when he was a child and he fought with him in the past. When we first saw Onoki, he was just an old, decrepit man with aging ideals. But when Gaara spoke to him for the first time, he underwent a slow, gradual change, showing his growth as an understanding, wise man who believed in the younger generation. If he dies, we as viewers will feel something for him, and it will show that villains can be victorious when it comes to their messed up ideals. The series will have a different feel to it. Also, his death would have the most impact on the other kage, especially Gaara and Tsunade. In conclusion, Onoki would be the best person to kill.

That's all, folks!!!

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