Anime Author: Tobi's Missed Opportunities

Friday, August 24, 2012

Tobi's Missed Opportunities

Hey there! Now we all know that I personally just LOVED the previous two chapters, but I must say that I have felt a little disappointment, pertaining to Tobi. I feel like there were so many opportunities for Tobi to gain an upper hand in the war, albeit he might still have a chance thanks to the Ten Tails, but right now, his situation would not have to be so bad if it were not for his greatly missed opportunities.

First of all, let me get this through. Tobi already had seven Tailed Beasts and a tail of the eighth in the Gedo Mazo! With even a small portion of Gyuuki's (the Eight-Tailed Ox-Octopus) chakra, it was revealed that all Tobi needed now was Kurama's chakra. After Tobi's declaration of war, he formed an alliance with Kabuto.  What Tobi should have done at this point was ask Kabuto if he could take Ginkaku and Kinkaku, but no, he still goes through with the war.

Then, when Tobi invaded Darui's unit with the Gedo Mazo, he captured Ginkaku and Kinkaku. So, what would the smart thing to do have been?  At night, he should have just sealed the two Gold and Silver Brothers into the Gedo Mazo, but instead of that, he chooses to create his own Six Paths of Pain with the former dead Jinchuuriki, which is pretty cool I guess, and he decides to go after Naruto and Killer B. What the heck, Tobi? He should have just sealed the brothers in the Gedo Mazo after his little invasion. By doing so, he could have summoned the Ten Tails already, and he could have won the war on that night, instead of doing it the following night.  I mean, I get that he still wanted to capture Gyuuki and Kurama, so that he could recreate the Ten Tails in its perfect form, but he still went for the brothers beforehand. What was the point of going after Naruto and Killer B, and wasting all of that time? If he wanted to achieve his long-desired goal of illusory peace under the moon, then why didn't he just do it when he had the chance? Then, when he was fighting Naruto, Killer B, Kakashi, and Guy, why did Tobi just suddenly decide that the battle was pointless? Of all times, he decides to bring out the Ten Tails in the middle of this fight? That's just crazy.

This brings me to my next point. When Tobi was fighting with his four adversaries, why hasn't he used his full powers yet? Dude, you have the Rinnegan! Use it!!!!! There were so many times where if he used the Shinra Tensei or his summonings, he could have easily caused a great deal of damage to Naruto and the others. I just hope he hasn't been using it because he needs it for some other special purpose.

Finally, Tobi has the Gedo Mazo!!! We've seen a lot of the Gedo Mazo's powers, and it ain't a pushover! First of all, it can unleash an energy dragon from its mouth that can kill anyone in its range! It can also bring out shock waves powerful enough to send Choji and his dad, in their super huge forms, flying! A mountain sized attack could not hurt it. It is incredibly strong. It also has these crazy chakra lightning blasts that it can use from its protrusions, obliterating tons of people in one hit. With all of that power, the Gedo Mazo could have already killed Kakashi and Guy, as well as severely damaged Naruto and Killer B. I understand that it can't really fight right now because of its slow transformation into the Ten Tails, but still, before that it could have done a lot more damage than it did. I just hope that this isn't all some plot-induced stupidity.

That's all I have for now. See ya guys!

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