Anime Author: Naruto Chapter 597 Discussion

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Naruto Chapter 597 Discussion

Hello, and welcome to the first of my anime discussions! Today's long, in-depth discussion will be focused solely on a chapter of one of my favorite anime/manga series of all time, Naruto so, if you're a fan of this wonderful series, than it would be awesome if you leave a comment and give me feedback. Before I go on, let me warn you that spoilers are down below.

Last time, on chapter 596, Naruto, Kakashi, Might Guy, and Killer B were still fighting Tobi, the masked man. Kakashi had left a crack on Tobi's mask, giving him reason to believe that with his special Mangekyo Sharingan ability, Kamui, he could help win this fight. After Naruto passed through Tobi using a Rasengan, Kakashi warped it away with his Kamui, resulting in Tobi being blasted in the shoulder.

This chapter began with Kakashi giving a thorough explanation on how Tobi doesn't simply turn intangible, but sends parts of his body into another dimension, and it turns out that this dimension is the SAME DIMENSION that Kakashi's Kamui affects!!! This leads Kakashi to believe that his and Tobi's eyes are linked!! Whoa! Did not see that coming! A new plot twist had arrived.

But it did not simply end there. Kakashi went on further to ask Tobi, "Where did you get that eye?!" By eye, Kakashi obviously means Tobi's Sharingan, not his Rinnegan, just to clarify. Tobi replied that he got it in the Third Shinobi World War, during the Battle of Kannabi Bridge! This not only brings shock to Kakashi's hidden face, but to the readers as well. If you remember, Tobi is talking about the time period in which Kakashi, Obito, Rin, and Minato all had a special role to play. What is so shocking about this revelation is that the only person with a Sharingan at Kannabi Bridge was Obito!!! Earlier, Kakashi stated that his and Tobi's eye powers were linked, and the fact that Tobi got the Sharingan at Kannabi bridge both lead to one explanation: Tobi has Obito's eye!!!

Yes, Naruto fans. The author of Naruto, Masashi Kishimoto, has officially confirmed that Tobi is using Obito's other eye. But this just leads to another question: Is Tobi really Obito? Possibly, but let us look at another important piece of evidence.

What Tobi says here is very crucial and I think that it would be better if I kept it in Tobi's words:
"You're just words and no actions; what someone like you says is worth nothing! It's too late to regret... I want to build a world where heroes don't have to make pitiful excuses in front of graves." NO WAY. Long ago, before the battle at Kannabi Bridge, when Kakashi and Obito had their last meeting, Kakashi had believed in protecting his other friend, Rin, but he had failed at that too. This could be what Tobi is alluding too when he says that Kakashi is just words and no action. And we know that Kakashi shows up normally at Obito's grave, but the next panel shows Kakashi at a different grave, possibly Rin's. Could Tobi be Obito and be mad at Kakashi for not protecting Rin? No one knows for sure.

Let's keep going. The next thing to happen is this: Tobi, like Nagato before him, confronts Naruto's ideals about peace. When Naruto was first asked about how to achieve peace by Nagato, he didn't have an answer and said that he'll find it. Now, his best answer was "hope," but obviously that is not an acceptable answer for a man like Tobi. Here, it can be seen that Tobi, although not right in all of his ideals and deeds, does have some truth in what he says. Before Naruto can become hokage, he better have a sufficient answer. On a side note, it was great seeing Jiraiya and Minato again :) .

The final point that I would like to address is Naruto going back into the full tailed beast mode. It appears that Naruto and Kurama, the nine-tailed fox, are becoming closer as friends. This time, their form will probably last longer than five minutes. I wonder when he will truly start to become the fox itself instead of just a chakra cloak.

Finally, I would like to say that the color page with Naruto's different forms was amazing. It really showed Naruto's growth throughout the series. Tomorrow, look forward to a discussion about who I think Tobi is. Yes, that's right. I do not believe that Tobi is Obito. With that being said, have a great day to those who looked at this post!

1 comment:

  1. Very well said. I too am looking forward to see Naruto's nine tails form in action. Hopefully it will happen very soon!!
