Anime Author: Who is Tobi? Part 2: Other Possibilities

Monday, August 13, 2012

Who is Tobi? Part 2: Other Possibilities

Welcome to part 2 of my "Who is Tobi?" discussion. In this post, I will be discussing other theories of who Tobi might be, and I will give reasons as to why none of the following candidates would be a perfect match for Tobi.

Shisui Uchiha

It is believed that Shisui, Itachi's best friend, could be Tobi. Why? Because no one could find his body. How does this relate to Tobi in any way? When Kabuto and Tobi are discussing matters over the Impure World Resurrection, Kabuto mentions that he, like everyone else, could not find Shisui's body and therefore could not resurrect him. Then, Tobi tells Kabuto, "Don't push your luck." This led to theorists believing that no one could find Shisui's body because Tobi is Shisui. However, the problem with that theory is that the Uchiha Clan Massacre happened five years before Naruto, the series, began. Itachi was twelve at that time. Shisui was around the same age. Tobi's attack on the Hidden Leaf happened eight years prior to that event. Itachi was four at that time; if Itachi and Shisui are around the same age, and Itachi is still a small child, then how on earth can Shisui be Tobi???

Kagami Uchiha

This man appeared in the series once. We don't know much about him. But he was alive during the second hokage, Tobirama Senju's, reign. It is a very likely possibility that he could have Madara during this time. However, might I say again, he appeared in this series once. He has had no relevance to the plot, and we know absolutely nothing about him. Having him be Tobi would just take away all of the suspense.


You might be thinking, "What!?" Well, I'm not kidding you. There are people out there that truly believe that Tobi might just be Tobi, a whole new character. The problem with this theory is the same as above with Kagami Uchiha. Being someone we don't know just kills all of the suspense and only leads to disappointment. Kishi himself  has stated, "Keep predicting!" when it came to a question about Tobi's identity! So obviously, Tobi has to be someone we know.

I'm not going to go through some stupid theories like the Ichiraku Ramen guy, Orochimaru, etc. because they're just so darn stupid!  In part 3, I will be discussing who I think might be Tobi, and why. Until then, have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I like the way you write. If you wrote a book I would so read it. Hmmm, maybe you should write short stories on here??
