Anime Author: Who is Tobi? Part 3: The Most Likely Choices Part 1: Izuna

Monday, August 13, 2012

Who is Tobi? Part 3: The Most Likely Choices Part 1: Izuna

Welcome to the first part of the final part of my "Who is Tobi?" discussion. Here, I will discuss my thoughts on who I believe are the best candidates to be Tobi. Before I say who they are, let me talk about the recent reveal about Obito's eye first.

Sometimes, authors like to add certain pieces of information within a story that makes the character believe that this certain piece of information will have an impact on the story and be relevant to it later on (sorry, this might be a little confusing). However, it turns out that the certain piece of information was not important after all, and it was some different info that you would have never thought of that had plot relevance. This is an exchange between two common plot devices: the Red Herring and Chekhov's Gun. The Red Herring looks important, but it really isn't, while the Chekhov's Gun does not look important, but it really is. For example, for clues for Tobi's identity, all of this information about Kannabi Bridge and Kakashi's ability being linked with Tobi's is all just a Red Herring, in my honest opinion. It is to lead us away from who Tobi really is, so that we may think that it is Obito, and than the author will surprise us by showing that it is not Obito. Well, that is how I think it'll work. An example of Chekhov's Gun, however, would be the fact that Kakashi and Tobi are the only Sharingan users with space-time jutsu, which would lead us to believe that Tobi does, indeed, have Obito's eye. Okay, I'm done ranting about Obito. Let's get to the bottom of this mystery once and for all!

Izuna Uchiha

This is one of the best choices. Why? Because this is Madara Uchiha's younger brother. Tobi being connected to Madara in this way works perfectly, in my opinion since we don't need some crazy backstory revealing their connection. Tobi and Madara also share the same plan of Infinite Tsukuyomi, and who else but his brother would agree on this plan?

Now this is a very far-fetched idea, but it works nevertheless. We already know that Hashirama Senju, the first hokage, was the Senju rival of Madara Uchiha. Is it not also likely that the Senju rival of Izuna is Tobirama Senju, the second hokage. Why? Because if their older brothers are rivals, would they not also be rivals?

Now we all know that Madara said that his brother, Izuna, died, so technically my whole argument would be invalid, right? WRONG. The second hokage was the one that created the Impure World Resurrection. As rivals (if they were), Tobirama and Izuna more than likely fought each other. Also, it is a possibility that Tobirama used the Impure World Resurrection in front of Izuna. Izuna may have seen the hand seals of the jutsu with his Sharingan. He may have told Madara about the seals, which is why Madara knows the seals. So, in the timeline, Izuna may have died after this event. But, if Madara knew the seals, he may have revived his brother. Then, Izuna could have used the hand seals to break the contract binding him to the jutsu, thus allowing him to stay immortal.

What's more is that Tobi has stated that he gave the Rinnegan to Nagato. But how on earth would he have achieved the Rinnegan? Simple. When Madara took his brother's eyes, Izuna probably did the same, causing both of them to have achieved the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, and then the Rinnegan. That way, he might have given the Rinnegan to Nagato.

Now you may be asking this: "How did Tobi obtain Obito's eye? How does he know Kakashi and Might Guy?" This is what I think. I think that when Zetsu was created, Izuna and Madara made a deal that when Madara died, Izuna would try to collect the Sharingans of all of the fallen Uchiha members. How, you ask? Simple. Zetsu proclaimed that he is the "land."  By being the land, maybe he can be everywhere. Thus, he knew when Obito, an Uchiha, died. That way, Tobi, or Izuna in this case, could collect Obito's eye.
How does he know Kakashi and Guy? With Zetsu. Zetsu might be able to see everything by being the land. That's how he knows so many things about Kakashi and Guy.

Finally, Tobi and Izuna both weigh 55.9 kg and they are both approximately the same height! Tobi being 175 cm and Izuna being 174.8 cm. Tobi grew 0.2 cm!!!

The only discrepancy that I can see with my own theory is that Tobi asked Kabuto about the Impure World Resurrection and its seals. But then again, maybe Tobi was just testing Kabuto.

In the end, I think Izuna Uchiha makes the most sense as Tobi. In the second part of Part 3, I will discuss the other likely choices for Tobi. Bye!

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