Anime Author: Naruto Discussion: Taka, Orochimaru, and Everything

Friday, August 17, 2012

Naruto Discussion: Taka, Orochimaru, and Everything

Hello readers! I'm really sorry about this delay! Now, I plan having a discussion about several different topics in the popular anime/manga series, Naruto. Topics in this discussion include Sasuke's team Taka, Orochimaru, and the "man" or "people" who know "everything." I'll start with a member of Taka: Suigetsu.

Not much importance is ever given to Suigetsu, and I doubt that there are even many fans of him. All we really know about him is that, in a sense, he likes to sever bonds (which is why he wants to split up Sasuke and Karin, even though they're not a couple), Zabuza was his hero, and he wants to recreate the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. In the series, he really hasn't served a huge purpose, other than saving Sasuke and the rest from Killer Bee's Tailed Beast Ball. Recently, he has found the scroll that can "change the tide of the war." So that will have some use in the story as probably some hax jutsu. But he wants Sasuke to have it, so really, his role should be over right there. Honestly, all I can see him doing is tagging along with Sasuke on the big journey, and providing some help. But maybe, in the distant future, Suigetsu will be able to become the leader of a new Seven Swordsmen of the Mist someday.

Next, we have Karin, who has currently been trapped by the Leaf Village. She has provided help for Sasuke so much that, without her, Sasuke probably either wouldn't even be alive right now or he would never have even gotten as far as he did. Karin's goal was originally to be with Sasuke and accompany him, but I doubt she would want to now, since Sasuke betrayed her and almost killed her. But, she must have a purpose since Kishi spent three pages showing her again after all of this time. Her little act makes me believe that although she has resentment towards Sasuke, she still likes him and wants him, in a way resembling Sakura. For this reason, I believe that she just might go back to Sasuke, even though he wouldn't want her around. However, Sasuke might actually see a purpose for her thanks to the revelation that she is an Uzumaki. Why? Because, through Karin's flesh, Sasuke might just be able to obtain the Rinnegan. Other than that, she really serves no other purpose. If Sasuke turns good in the end, I can see her ending up with him and creating a clan with both Senju and Uchiha blood.

The last member of Taka, excluding Sasuke, is Jugo. Like Suigetsu, he is also with Sasuke now. He calls Sasuke a memento of Kimimaro, which is mainly why Jugo likes being around him. He has saved Sasuke from death by Killer B multiple times, but other than that, he also hasn't done much. Or so it seems... that is, until Kabuto reveals that Jugo's clan's power comes from something greater: the Dragon Sage Mode!!! If Jugo learns to harness his powers, he can become as big of a threat as some of the main villains right now!!!

Moving on from Taka, we have Orochimaru. That's right: the man does not simply die. Although he has not achieved immortality, it appears that he has since he keeps on coming back. The question remains: why does Sasuke need him? I guess he will lead the way to these people that know "everything." And if he's had a scroll that can "change the tide of the war," then he may quite possibly take away the final villain status away from Tobi, which I hope doesn't happen.

Now, who is this "man" or who are these "people" who know everything? They must be someone that we know. They can't just be some random people that we've never seen before. That would be dumb. They are obviously related to this super hax scroll, which isn't a very crucial detail in helping us understand everything, but I'm just throwing that out there. Now, I can really only guess upon two people that could know everything, and they are the two Leaf Elders, Homura and Koharu. There isn't much evidence to base this guess upon, but they appear to be the only other important characters left in this series, plus, they are on Sasuke's "to kill" list.

Finally, what exactly does Sasuke mean by "everything?" There are a few different topics that it could mean, in my opinion. One, being the Elder's perspectives of the Uchiha Clan Massacre. Another possibility is what really went down between the Sage of the Six Paths and the Ten-tailed Beast. But, personally, what I'm hoping for to see is the founding of the Leaf Village, and the final battle between Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha. It would be cool to see the Elders, Madara, and Tobi talking about it in an epic three-way flashback!

Well, that's all I have for tonight! Again, I'm really sorry about the delays! Hopefully, I'll be a lot quicker with the discussions tomorrow!!!

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