Anime Author: August 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I'M SO DISAPPOINTED!!!!!! Like, seriously Kishi? How could you do this to us??? 95% of the chapter was nothing but flashbacks with no dialogue! And then, the last page just killed it!!!! If you don't know what I mean, look below and feel disappointed:

AGHHHHHH! IT'S OBITO?!?!? Kishi, why? Sorry guys, i'm not in the mood for a full chapter discussion today :(.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Tobi's Missed Opportunities

Hey there! Now we all know that I personally just LOVED the previous two chapters, but I must say that I have felt a little disappointment, pertaining to Tobi. I feel like there were so many opportunities for Tobi to gain an upper hand in the war, albeit he might still have a chance thanks to the Ten Tails, but right now, his situation would not have to be so bad if it were not for his greatly missed opportunities.

First of all, let me get this through. Tobi already had seven Tailed Beasts and a tail of the eighth in the Gedo Mazo! With even a small portion of Gyuuki's (the Eight-Tailed Ox-Octopus) chakra, it was revealed that all Tobi needed now was Kurama's chakra. After Tobi's declaration of war, he formed an alliance with Kabuto.  What Tobi should have done at this point was ask Kabuto if he could take Ginkaku and Kinkaku, but no, he still goes through with the war.

Then, when Tobi invaded Darui's unit with the Gedo Mazo, he captured Ginkaku and Kinkaku. So, what would the smart thing to do have been?  At night, he should have just sealed the two Gold and Silver Brothers into the Gedo Mazo, but instead of that, he chooses to create his own Six Paths of Pain with the former dead Jinchuuriki, which is pretty cool I guess, and he decides to go after Naruto and Killer B. What the heck, Tobi? He should have just sealed the brothers in the Gedo Mazo after his little invasion. By doing so, he could have summoned the Ten Tails already, and he could have won the war on that night, instead of doing it the following night.  I mean, I get that he still wanted to capture Gyuuki and Kurama, so that he could recreate the Ten Tails in its perfect form, but he still went for the brothers beforehand. What was the point of going after Naruto and Killer B, and wasting all of that time? If he wanted to achieve his long-desired goal of illusory peace under the moon, then why didn't he just do it when he had the chance? Then, when he was fighting Naruto, Killer B, Kakashi, and Guy, why did Tobi just suddenly decide that the battle was pointless? Of all times, he decides to bring out the Ten Tails in the middle of this fight? That's just crazy.

This brings me to my next point. When Tobi was fighting with his four adversaries, why hasn't he used his full powers yet? Dude, you have the Rinnegan! Use it!!!!! There were so many times where if he used the Shinra Tensei or his summonings, he could have easily caused a great deal of damage to Naruto and the others. I just hope he hasn't been using it because he needs it for some other special purpose.

Finally, Tobi has the Gedo Mazo!!! We've seen a lot of the Gedo Mazo's powers, and it ain't a pushover! First of all, it can unleash an energy dragon from its mouth that can kill anyone in its range! It can also bring out shock waves powerful enough to send Choji and his dad, in their super huge forms, flying! A mountain sized attack could not hurt it. It is incredibly strong. It also has these crazy chakra lightning blasts that it can use from its protrusions, obliterating tons of people in one hit. With all of that power, the Gedo Mazo could have already killed Kakashi and Guy, as well as severely damaged Naruto and Killer B. I understand that it can't really fight right now because of its slow transformation into the Ten Tails, but still, before that it could have done a lot more damage than it did. I just hope that this isn't all some plot-induced stupidity.

That's all I have for now. See ya guys!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Naruto Chapter 598 Discussion

Hey guys! Whoever comes to read my stuff here on this blog, thank you! I know I probably haven't done many posts, and I've been delaying lately, but don't worry! Hopefully, I'll have tons more discussions from here on out. That being said, let's get on to this chapter.

OK, what can I say about this chapter to begin? I'll start by saying that this chapter is, without a doubt, the EPITOME of EPIC. Very few chapters in my opinion can achieve this high quality. Everything that I'm going to say about this chapter will be positive, as you can see, but I am going to leave a lot of room for discussion.

The chapter begins where we left off with Naruto in his Tailed Beast Mode still going after Tobi. Now I was certain that the full beast would have come out like it did last time, but it didn't. Instead, he kept using parts of Kurama's (the Nine Tailed Fox's) body to fight. It appears that he's gaining better control over Kurama as he was also able to create a shadow clone in this form (last time it was just a clone in Sage Mode), but I'll get to that part later. Also, it appears that Naruto can choose to go in either his Nine Tails Chakra Mode, or full Tailed Beast Mode now, but I think it makes more sense if he only goes in His Tailed Beast Mode since it's way more powerful. One of my personal favorite parts in this fight was when Naruto manifested the head of the fox Kurama and caught one of the giant shurikens that Tobi spewed out from the other dimension in his mouth, as seen below.

Another important point to address is Kakashi's almost psychological breakdown. While Naruto was still battling Tobi, Kakashi was thinking about a certain grave, whom I think is Obito's. He says, in his mind, "He... can't be..." which we all know means that Kakashi is also starting to think that Tobi just might be Obito, as many readers already have. We can also see that Kakashi's mind was far away from reality, and it took much effort from Guy to snap him out of it. What's also interesting to note in this scene is that Guy says "I know what you're thinking..." which can only mean that Guy does know Obito, which would be surprising, or that Kakashi told him about him, which wouldn't be too surprising. But as far as I know, all of this "evidence" supporting Obito theories is all just a red herring, which I've explained in a previous post, to give us a surprise twist.

With Guy's help, Kakashi is brought back to his senses, and goes on to help his former student in the fight. But before the fight resumes, Tobi says, "I'll show you the power of the real Kamui!" and he reveals that, all along, he has had the Mangekyou Sharingan!!! AMAZING. Not only is his Mangekyou the same as Kakashi's (we learned that Tobi has Obito's eye in the previous chapter, so it was assumable that he might have the Mangekyou, but now it's confirmed), but Tobi also has Kamui!!! Last week and a half ago, some fans suggested that Tobi was hiding a third eye, Obito's eye, in his bandaged forehead, but it turns out that his right eye always was Obito's. In the next discussion, I'll go into more detail about Tobi and his eyes.

So back in the fight, Tobi jumps once again, and this time, instead of giant shurikens, he sends these huge chakra stakes from the other dimension at Naruto and B. Most of the stakes hit B and damage him. Naruto takes cover under B, and summons a shadow clone in the same form. The real Naruto forms a Tailed Beast Ball. On the other hand, the clone just makes a standard Rasengan, and jumps toward Tobi. However, Tobi doesn't want to fall in the same trap a third time, so he sends a chakra stake at the clone, thinking that he destroyed it. Meanwhile, Kakashi falls as Guy tries to grab him. Then, the real Naruto sends his Tailed Beast Ball at Tobi, causing such a huge explosion that Tobi is forced to go into the other dimension, where he finds a little surprise: the Naruto clone holding his Rasengan. Kakashi, in fact, hadn't failed; he sent the entire clone into the other dimension! Finally, a surprised Tobi receives a Rasengan to the mask as Naruto poses the one  question that's in everyone's minds: "WHO ARE YOU?!?!" Sadly the chapter ends there :(.

However, before I leave, I would like to point something out, thanks to a comment that I read on  The last page of the chapter resembles a scene from the very first arc of Naruto, when he was owning Haku with the Fox's power!!! Don't believe me? See for yourself!!!

Wow. This is just amazing, and it makes the chapter even better. This is one of the most best of meaningful echoes and bookends that I have ever seen/read in a story. In the beginning, Naruto defeated a masked man, with a punch, in his Initial Jinchuuriki Form. Now, finally near the conclusion, Naruto is close to defeating another masked man, but with a Rasengan, and in possibly his final form. Also, they both have the same 3 panel structure,and Naruto in the exact same poses. It not only shows the growth in Naruto's strength and character, but it also shows that Kishi has not forgotten where all this began and he's ready to bring a conclusion just as powerful as the beginning of this series, if not WAY more powerful.

Hopefully, Tobi's identity will be revealed next week, in chapter 599. However, Kishi might just decide to cut back to Sasuke and them, or Madara and the Kage, which would be a horrible form of trolling. But it is also likely, since the big 600 is upon us. Well, that's all I have for this beastly chapter of Naruto. See you guys soon!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Naruto vs. Sasuke: The Final Battle and More

Hello, and welcome to another one of my Naruto discussions! Today, I will talk about the inevitable fight that will happen between Naruto and Sasuke, all of the possible outcomes, and related topics pertaining to the characters.

First, let us talk about the characters. This whole series has been about the growth of these two; when one grows, the other does as well. Even though They also appear to gain respective power-ups along the way.  When Sasuke had the Curse Mark, Naruto would let the Fox take over him. When Sasuke obtained the Mangekyou Sharingan, Naruto learned how to achieve the perfect Sage Mode. After Naruto obtained the Fox Chakra Mode, Sasuke got the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. Now, Naruto has gained complete control of the Fox and has achieved the full Tailed Beast Mode, so it only makes sense for Sasuke to also get one final power-up, quite possibly the Rinnegan, or maybe, even Dragon Sage Mode. Who knows, he might even get the legs for his perfect Susanoo, but then again, maybe it requires the Rinnegan.

As characters, they have many parallels. Naruto grew up as a prankster at first, wanting acknowledgement from the rest of the villagers. Sasuke, on the other hand, was born into the famous Uchiha clan, and he was very popular with his whole stoic mood. They were like water and oil, having trouble mixing together, and yet, they were destined to be placed into the same team, leading to Naruto's first real bond with someone his age. However, after a certain incident, their bond became weaker and weaker until it finally just severed. Naruto has since been trying to rebuild the bond while Sasuke keeps drifting further and further from it. As time passed, Naruto went on to become an acknowledged hero, who believes in keeping the peace, while Sasuke became a criminal, fixed on the path of revenge. When you look at them from the beginning, and when you look at them now, they still retain many of the characteristics that they always had, but at the same time, they're so different.

Now let's talk about their upcoming battle. We know that they're going to battle either during the war, or after. The question is: will Sasuke be the last antagonist? Me, personally, I just don't see it. So far, everything that Sasuke has done and accomplished has not really caused an impact to the main story with Naruto, even though he has been getting just as much screen time as Naruto. If Sasuke turns out to be the boss of the endgame, it will feel sooo anticlimactic when the major villains have already been defeated. Hopefully, Tobi has some plans for Sasuke, so that Sasuke will have more of a connection to the main plot. If that happens, Naruto would also fight Sasuke before a final brawl with Tobi, because, well... let's face it: the battle going on right now between Tobi and Naruto with allies is definitely not going to be Tobi's last fight; so much more has to happen.

We can't really say how this battle is going to play out, but we can attempt to predict the outcomes, and I have many predictions. One of these possibilities is that Sasuke might die. I don't see Naruto killing Sasuke obviously, but he might do it accidentally Sasuke might decide that he's wrong and just kill himself as redemption. If Sasuke dies, then everything that Naruto has been working so hard for will have been for nothing. Although it's sort of realistic, I just don't think that's the best way to end their destiny together.

Then there's the possibility that Naruto dies. I'm not kidding. Now, I know that this series is called Naruto so you wouldn't think that the title character would die, right? But that would be a pretty cool and sad twist. Of course, if he dies, then the series shouldn't be called Naruto, or so you would think. However, it could then be about Naruto's legacy and what he left for everyone that he cared about. Then again, it kind of defeats the purpose of Naruto's dream to be Hokage, but I have a theory that could justify that, which I will explain in another discussion. Sasuke and Naruto could both die, but that's just everything I've already explained above.

Another possibility is that neither of them will die, but one of them will win. I can honestly see either one of them winning, but it will definitely require Sasuke to lose his ideals. If Sasuke wins, he will see that he was wrong, but his pride will prevent him from going to Naruto's side, but he'll decide not to kill him.

However, in my eyes, the most likely conclusion to the fight will be Naruto's victory. Naruto will probably bring Sasuke to the good side; however, it should not be done in a contrived way. Naruto must be able to give Sasuke an answer as to why revenge is not the right way; Naruto already knows what it feels like to want vengeance, so in a way, he knows how Sasuke feels. Naruto was confronted by Pain with a question about breaking the cycle of revenge and bringing peace, but Naruto could not give him a legitimate answer. He said that he would try to find the answer, but he has not done so yet. Even when asked by Tobi currently, he still couldn't answer him. Naruto must find the answer so that he can legitimately bring Sasuke to his senses.

Expect to see another Rasengan-Chidori clash again.  Maybe some fist bumps too. That's all I have to say about this fight. Bye guys. Expect another discussion soon!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Naruto Discussion: Taka, Orochimaru, and Everything

Hello readers! I'm really sorry about this delay! Now, I plan having a discussion about several different topics in the popular anime/manga series, Naruto. Topics in this discussion include Sasuke's team Taka, Orochimaru, and the "man" or "people" who know "everything." I'll start with a member of Taka: Suigetsu.

Not much importance is ever given to Suigetsu, and I doubt that there are even many fans of him. All we really know about him is that, in a sense, he likes to sever bonds (which is why he wants to split up Sasuke and Karin, even though they're not a couple), Zabuza was his hero, and he wants to recreate the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. In the series, he really hasn't served a huge purpose, other than saving Sasuke and the rest from Killer Bee's Tailed Beast Ball. Recently, he has found the scroll that can "change the tide of the war." So that will have some use in the story as probably some hax jutsu. But he wants Sasuke to have it, so really, his role should be over right there. Honestly, all I can see him doing is tagging along with Sasuke on the big journey, and providing some help. But maybe, in the distant future, Suigetsu will be able to become the leader of a new Seven Swordsmen of the Mist someday.

Next, we have Karin, who has currently been trapped by the Leaf Village. She has provided help for Sasuke so much that, without her, Sasuke probably either wouldn't even be alive right now or he would never have even gotten as far as he did. Karin's goal was originally to be with Sasuke and accompany him, but I doubt she would want to now, since Sasuke betrayed her and almost killed her. But, she must have a purpose since Kishi spent three pages showing her again after all of this time. Her little act makes me believe that although she has resentment towards Sasuke, she still likes him and wants him, in a way resembling Sakura. For this reason, I believe that she just might go back to Sasuke, even though he wouldn't want her around. However, Sasuke might actually see a purpose for her thanks to the revelation that she is an Uzumaki. Why? Because, through Karin's flesh, Sasuke might just be able to obtain the Rinnegan. Other than that, she really serves no other purpose. If Sasuke turns good in the end, I can see her ending up with him and creating a clan with both Senju and Uchiha blood.

The last member of Taka, excluding Sasuke, is Jugo. Like Suigetsu, he is also with Sasuke now. He calls Sasuke a memento of Kimimaro, which is mainly why Jugo likes being around him. He has saved Sasuke from death by Killer B multiple times, but other than that, he also hasn't done much. Or so it seems... that is, until Kabuto reveals that Jugo's clan's power comes from something greater: the Dragon Sage Mode!!! If Jugo learns to harness his powers, he can become as big of a threat as some of the main villains right now!!!

Moving on from Taka, we have Orochimaru. That's right: the man does not simply die. Although he has not achieved immortality, it appears that he has since he keeps on coming back. The question remains: why does Sasuke need him? I guess he will lead the way to these people that know "everything." And if he's had a scroll that can "change the tide of the war," then he may quite possibly take away the final villain status away from Tobi, which I hope doesn't happen.

Now, who is this "man" or who are these "people" who know everything? They must be someone that we know. They can't just be some random people that we've never seen before. That would be dumb. They are obviously related to this super hax scroll, which isn't a very crucial detail in helping us understand everything, but I'm just throwing that out there. Now, I can really only guess upon two people that could know everything, and they are the two Leaf Elders, Homura and Koharu. There isn't much evidence to base this guess upon, but they appear to be the only other important characters left in this series, plus, they are on Sasuke's "to kill" list.

Finally, what exactly does Sasuke mean by "everything?" There are a few different topics that it could mean, in my opinion. One, being the Elder's perspectives of the Uchiha Clan Massacre. Another possibility is what really went down between the Sage of the Six Paths and the Ten-tailed Beast. But, personally, what I'm hoping for to see is the founding of the Leaf Village, and the final battle between Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha. It would be cool to see the Elders, Madara, and Tobi talking about it in an epic three-way flashback!

Well, that's all I have for tonight! Again, I'm really sorry about the delays! Hopefully, I'll be a lot quicker with the discussions tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Naruto Speculation: Sasuke

Welcome to another Naruto speculation discussion. In this discussion, I will share my thoughts on Sasuke's character and what is to become of him.

Sasuke Uchiha: the Avenger. Sasuke started out as a peaceful, happy child who loved his older brother, Itachi... that is, until that night. When the Uchiha Clan Massacre happened, Sasuke was struck with confusion, fear, anger, sadness, and most of all, revenge. He wanted to kill his own brother as a way to avenge his clan. Since the very beginning, Sasuke was set on the path of darkness. Then, when Sasuke finally killed Itachi, things looked like they would turn around for the better, but really, everything just got worse. Sasuke was finally exposed to the truth by Tobi. Itachi was truly a hero, and the Leaf Village Elders were Sasuke's true enemies. Sasuke had now fallen into a deeper, darker hole than before. Originally, Sasuke had no intention of killing anyone but his brother. But after learning the truth, Sasuke had no regrets killing the samurais at the Five Kage Summit or when he killed Danzo at the bridge. At this point, it appeared that Sasuke had crossed the point of no return.

However, things seem to have taken a different turn since Sasuke reunited with Itachi. As expected, we wouldn't see the darkness in Sasuke when he's around Itachi. His hatred for the Leaf Village also increased after seeing Itachi again. So, it does look like he is still going for his goal, but he still seems different, even after Itachi left. He has started to question what a village is, what a clan is, what a shinobi is, and he even questions his own existence. Why? What has made Sasuke go into such philosophical contemplation? After being interrupted in his deep thought by Jugo and Suigetsu and given this special scroll, Sasuke started to reveal even stranger information. He wants to meet with the "man" or "people" (not sure due to the conflicting translations) who know "everything." What is meant by "everything" and who is this "man" or these "people?" I will save that for another discussion. Anyway, it appears that Sasuke wants to undergo a new mission before he fulfills his promise to Naruto.

Speaking of which, just when will Naruto and Sasuke have their final battle? Kishi has stated in an interview that they might meet in the war, which is confusing because you would expect them to meet in the war considering the fact that most of the Naruto fanbase believes this to be the final arc of the story. However, this arc has already spanned over eighty chapters, and Kishi has stated that Naruto may have two more years left, and that is approximately one hundred chapters more! Arcs usually don't go beyond one hundred chapters in any manga series, so, it is to my concern that the Fourth Shinobi World War Arc simply cannot be the final arc in the series, and Naruto and Sasuke's destined fight could possibly happen after the war.

So, will Sasuke obtain any more power-ups? As far as I can see, yes. Last year, possibly the biggest reveal after Madara Uchiha's resurrection was that the next stage after the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan is indeed the Rinnegan! Seeing as Madara is the only we know of who has achieved the Rinnegan through the EMS (short for Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan), Sasuke may also get the Rinnegan as a final power-up. But how did Madara get the Rinnegan? I have a theory: by taking some of Hashirama Senju's flesh during the final battle, Madara obtained the requirements for the Rinnegan, which appear to be the EMS and Senju DNA. When Sasuke battles Naruto, he may end up taking some of Naruto's flesh and then BAM! He'll pop out the purple eyes (possibly)!

Any more power-ups? Why, yes. Itachi revealed Izanami, the time loop forbidden jutsu, to be usable without Senju DNA. It, along with Izanagi, are supposed to remove the light in a person's eye once used. However, now that Sasuke'e eyes are "eternal," maybe even these jutsus won't cause him harm. And, if he does get some of Naruto's flesh, he'll be able to use Izanagi, the"real" genjutsu. Also, Itachi said that the two jutsus form a pair, so if Sasuke uses both abilities, he should be able to form an even greater eye technique of unbelievable proportions!

Finally, Sasuke might get an upgrade in his Susanoo. We have already seen Madara's perfect Susanoo with legs, multiple swords, and armor, which makes it resemble a Samurai. Madara was able to blow away mountains with this Susanoo! Sasuke could probably do the same. Madara has also stated that Susanoo was the perfect counter against the tailed beasts, so it makes perfect sense if Sasuke gets this form to counter Naruto's Tailed Beast Mode.

Another important point that I would like to address about Sasuke is his character development. The way things are going, Sasuke's ultimate goal should still be to take down the Leaf Village, even if he goes on another side quest. That being said, Sasuke made a promise to Naruto that Naruto would be the first Leaf Village shinobi that he would kill. Of course, the most likely thing that will happen is that Naruto will be able to change Sasuke, as Itachi has entrusted to him. However, how will Naruto do it? Naruto the character gets a lot of criticism from the fact that Naruto is able to change people's ways of thinking. This wouldn't be a bad thing, but the fact that he can do it to almost everyone is a little too much, especially when he changes characters that he shouldn't be able to with his talking. Now, thee question is: will Naruto be able to bring Sasuke to the good side in a satisfactory way, or will it be disappointing? But then again, Sasuke might even die. Who knows?

The last point that I would like to address  about Sasuke, at the moment, is his purpose with Tobi. At first, it seemed like Tobi had great plans for Sasuke, but now, it's like Sasuke isn't even important to Tobi anymore. When Tobi first met Sasuke, or rather, when he kidnapped him, Tobi easily manipulated him and got him to do his dirty work for him. He used him so that he could capture the Eight Tails, and although Sasuke failed, Tobi settled for the one tail that Taka was able to retrieve. Then, Tobi got Sasuke to invade the Five Kage Summit just so it would be easier for him to declare war on the Five Great Nations. However, it still appeared that Tobi had some interest in Sasuke considering that he stayed during the Danzo fight and onward. But really, what does Tobi want from Sasuke???

Well, that concludes my Sasuke discussion. Look forward to more discussions soon!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Naruto Speculation: Madara vs the Five Kage

Hello readers! I have just finished my "Who is Tobi?" discussion, and whew, there were a lot of identities to choose from! Now that I've finished, I would like to further discuss some more topics about Naruto. Now, we should all know that the manga is getting closer and closer to its end, so there is much less time left for speculation. This is why I would like to address some of the points in the manga and speculate upon them before it reaches it's conclusion. The first topic that I would like to address is Madara Uchiha's fight with the Five Kage.

First of all, this is definitely going to be one of the last fights in the manga. I would like to address its importance to the story line. Recently, Madara has stated that he has become bored of the fight, and he would rather go after the Nine-Tailed Fox. The problem with this is that if Madara leaves without even finishing off one Kage, then the the whole fight would have been pointless. How? Because it would just be a stalemate where neither party wins. In other words, this situation would be as bad as fillers!!! The fight needs to have an outcome in which one side wins. Obviously Madara isn't going anywhere anytime soon, so the only other option is to have Madara kill at least one of the kage, no matter how sad and painful it'll be to watch. I personally don't think Madara will be able to leave that easily. I'm sure that the kage will attempt to take him down.

One thing that worries me is this: Madara might be able to leave the battlefield very easily. Why? Because he might have space-time jutsu!!!!! You might be thinking, "You're crazy for coming to such a drastic conclusion!" But I have one very important reason to think this. You see, back in the fight between Tobi and Minato Namikaze, Minato speculated that Tobi might actually be Madara for a multitude of reasons, one of them being that he could use space-time jutsu! If this is true, then Madara might actually just vanish from the five kage! Also, if this is true, then that not only means that there is more to Madara than meets the eye, but he STILL hasn't fought the kage with his full potential!

So, if Madara doesn't leave the battle just yet, and he does kill at least one kage, who should it be? And why? Let us go through each of the kage one by one.

First, we'll start with the Kazekage, Gaara. Gaara is a very popular and well-developed character. If he dies, fans will be very mad, but it will be sad to see him go. We've grown up with him and his tough childhood, so it'll be hard to say goodbye to him, but that is exactly why he could be the one to go. However, Kishi has already killed him off once, so it really won't feel the same if he died again.

Next, we'll go to the Mizukage, Mei Terumi. Who is the Mizukage? Exactly. We know absolutely nothing about the Mizukage. We really have no reason to care about the Mizukage. So if she's the one to die, there won't be any emotional impact on us. It would just feel the same as if she was one of those thousands of fodder ninja that Madara already killed. Maybe if we get some backstory on her and some motives, we'll start to feel something for her, and her death would not be a waste. But still, unlikely.

Let's move on to the Raikage, A. We know somethings about A, like how far he's willing to go to protect Killer B. He was willing to go as far as killing Naruto to protect the world! We know that he's not a huge fan of Minato. We know that he's arrogant, gets mad a lot , and he isn't one to reason with, usually. But still, he's a good guy. As a supporter of the protagonist (sort of), you're supposed to like him. But he's not one of those guys that would really be easy to like. I don't like him that much, but he's still a good guy who cares about others, and I respect that. It won't impact me that much if he dies, but it might for others. Also, if he dies, it might lead to an interesting case where Killer B becomes the Fifth Raikage!

Tsunade vs Madara. This is where it gets personal. The granddaughter of the First Hokage vs his rival. Madara said that he would aim to kill Tsunade first, since he hates the Senju clan and its descendants. Being the granddaughter of the man that he most respected and despised, Madara has his own reasons to want to kill Tsunade. It would make sense if he kept true to his word, and showed that the Will of Fire is weak while the Curse of Hatred lives on. It would also be very emotional to see such an important character like Tsunade to die, and only make us hate Madara more. However, due to Dan's recent rescue of Tsunade, she regained her chakra back, and Dan told Tsunade that it wasn't her time to die yet, so now Tsunade has a much smaller chance of dying now.

Finally, we have the Third Tsuchikage, Onoki. This battle is also personal for Onoki as he knew Madara when he was a child and he fought with him in the past. When we first saw Onoki, he was just an old, decrepit man with aging ideals. But when Gaara spoke to him for the first time, he underwent a slow, gradual change, showing his growth as an understanding, wise man who believed in the younger generation. If he dies, we as viewers will feel something for him, and it will show that villains can be victorious when it comes to their messed up ideals. The series will have a different feel to it. Also, his death would have the most impact on the other kage, especially Gaara and Tsunade. In conclusion, Onoki would be the best person to kill.

That's all, folks!!!

Who is Tobi? Part 3 The Most Likely Choices Part 2: Clone and Elder Son

Welcome to the second half of part 3 of my "Who is Tobi?" discussion, which will also conclude my discussions about Tobi's identity. In this discussion, I shall provide you with two lesser theories on Tobi's identity.

Madara Clone/Zetsu/ Double

Clones are very crucial in the world of Naruto. They can save lives, provide extra support, and they can be used in many tactical situations One possibility is that Madara created an imperfect clone of himself that would live on when he died. It may have required adding some of Zetsu's cells within him. Likewise, he may have created a double of himself, the way Muu did to save himself and later resurrect Madara. 

The Elder Son of the Sage

It is also somewhat likely that Tobi is actually the Elder Son of the Sage of the Six Paths, as he is the one who truly began the cycle of hatred. Tobi manipulates others with hatred like no other. Remember when Sasuke and Tobi invaded the Five Kage Summit? Tobi, pretending to be the dead Madara Uchiha, claimed that he was a "shell of his former self," and that he had lost to the First Hokage. Seeing that Madara was dead all along, it appears that Tobi has lied about everything, but perhaps there is some truth in what he said. Perhaps, when he said that he lost to the First Hokage, he was only lying about who he fought. Perhaps, instead of fighting the First Hokage, he had really fought the Younger Son of the Sage, and that may be how he became a "shell of his former self."

Well, that brings an end to my "Who is Tobi?" discussion. Thank you all for taking the time to read my theories!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Who is Tobi? Part 3: The Most Likely Choices Part 1: Izuna

Welcome to the first part of the final part of my "Who is Tobi?" discussion. Here, I will discuss my thoughts on who I believe are the best candidates to be Tobi. Before I say who they are, let me talk about the recent reveal about Obito's eye first.

Sometimes, authors like to add certain pieces of information within a story that makes the character believe that this certain piece of information will have an impact on the story and be relevant to it later on (sorry, this might be a little confusing). However, it turns out that the certain piece of information was not important after all, and it was some different info that you would have never thought of that had plot relevance. This is an exchange between two common plot devices: the Red Herring and Chekhov's Gun. The Red Herring looks important, but it really isn't, while the Chekhov's Gun does not look important, but it really is. For example, for clues for Tobi's identity, all of this information about Kannabi Bridge and Kakashi's ability being linked with Tobi's is all just a Red Herring, in my honest opinion. It is to lead us away from who Tobi really is, so that we may think that it is Obito, and than the author will surprise us by showing that it is not Obito. Well, that is how I think it'll work. An example of Chekhov's Gun, however, would be the fact that Kakashi and Tobi are the only Sharingan users with space-time jutsu, which would lead us to believe that Tobi does, indeed, have Obito's eye. Okay, I'm done ranting about Obito. Let's get to the bottom of this mystery once and for all!

Izuna Uchiha

This is one of the best choices. Why? Because this is Madara Uchiha's younger brother. Tobi being connected to Madara in this way works perfectly, in my opinion since we don't need some crazy backstory revealing their connection. Tobi and Madara also share the same plan of Infinite Tsukuyomi, and who else but his brother would agree on this plan?

Now this is a very far-fetched idea, but it works nevertheless. We already know that Hashirama Senju, the first hokage, was the Senju rival of Madara Uchiha. Is it not also likely that the Senju rival of Izuna is Tobirama Senju, the second hokage. Why? Because if their older brothers are rivals, would they not also be rivals?

Now we all know that Madara said that his brother, Izuna, died, so technically my whole argument would be invalid, right? WRONG. The second hokage was the one that created the Impure World Resurrection. As rivals (if they were), Tobirama and Izuna more than likely fought each other. Also, it is a possibility that Tobirama used the Impure World Resurrection in front of Izuna. Izuna may have seen the hand seals of the jutsu with his Sharingan. He may have told Madara about the seals, which is why Madara knows the seals. So, in the timeline, Izuna may have died after this event. But, if Madara knew the seals, he may have revived his brother. Then, Izuna could have used the hand seals to break the contract binding him to the jutsu, thus allowing him to stay immortal.

What's more is that Tobi has stated that he gave the Rinnegan to Nagato. But how on earth would he have achieved the Rinnegan? Simple. When Madara took his brother's eyes, Izuna probably did the same, causing both of them to have achieved the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, and then the Rinnegan. That way, he might have given the Rinnegan to Nagato.

Now you may be asking this: "How did Tobi obtain Obito's eye? How does he know Kakashi and Might Guy?" This is what I think. I think that when Zetsu was created, Izuna and Madara made a deal that when Madara died, Izuna would try to collect the Sharingans of all of the fallen Uchiha members. How, you ask? Simple. Zetsu proclaimed that he is the "land."  By being the land, maybe he can be everywhere. Thus, he knew when Obito, an Uchiha, died. That way, Tobi, or Izuna in this case, could collect Obito's eye.
How does he know Kakashi and Guy? With Zetsu. Zetsu might be able to see everything by being the land. That's how he knows so many things about Kakashi and Guy.

Finally, Tobi and Izuna both weigh 55.9 kg and they are both approximately the same height! Tobi being 175 cm and Izuna being 174.8 cm. Tobi grew 0.2 cm!!!

The only discrepancy that I can see with my own theory is that Tobi asked Kabuto about the Impure World Resurrection and its seals. But then again, maybe Tobi was just testing Kabuto.

In the end, I think Izuna Uchiha makes the most sense as Tobi. In the second part of Part 3, I will discuss the other likely choices for Tobi. Bye!

Who is Tobi? Part 2: Other Possibilities

Welcome to part 2 of my "Who is Tobi?" discussion. In this post, I will be discussing other theories of who Tobi might be, and I will give reasons as to why none of the following candidates would be a perfect match for Tobi.

Shisui Uchiha

It is believed that Shisui, Itachi's best friend, could be Tobi. Why? Because no one could find his body. How does this relate to Tobi in any way? When Kabuto and Tobi are discussing matters over the Impure World Resurrection, Kabuto mentions that he, like everyone else, could not find Shisui's body and therefore could not resurrect him. Then, Tobi tells Kabuto, "Don't push your luck." This led to theorists believing that no one could find Shisui's body because Tobi is Shisui. However, the problem with that theory is that the Uchiha Clan Massacre happened five years before Naruto, the series, began. Itachi was twelve at that time. Shisui was around the same age. Tobi's attack on the Hidden Leaf happened eight years prior to that event. Itachi was four at that time; if Itachi and Shisui are around the same age, and Itachi is still a small child, then how on earth can Shisui be Tobi???

Kagami Uchiha

This man appeared in the series once. We don't know much about him. But he was alive during the second hokage, Tobirama Senju's, reign. It is a very likely possibility that he could have Madara during this time. However, might I say again, he appeared in this series once. He has had no relevance to the plot, and we know absolutely nothing about him. Having him be Tobi would just take away all of the suspense.


You might be thinking, "What!?" Well, I'm not kidding you. There are people out there that truly believe that Tobi might just be Tobi, a whole new character. The problem with this theory is the same as above with Kagami Uchiha. Being someone we don't know just kills all of the suspense and only leads to disappointment. Kishi himself  has stated, "Keep predicting!" when it came to a question about Tobi's identity! So obviously, Tobi has to be someone we know.

I'm not going to go through some stupid theories like the Ichiraku Ramen guy, Orochimaru, etc. because they're just so darn stupid!  In part 3, I will be discussing who I think might be Tobi, and why. Until then, have a great day!

Who is Tobi? Part 1: Tobi is not Obito

Hi guys! As I said in my first post, I want to do a discussion about who Tobi might be. I also said that I don't believe that Tobi is Obito, although there were many pieces of evidence in the recent chapter pointing towards this possibility. This will be the first part of my "Who is Tobi?" discussion. Let me explain my reasoning as to why I believe that there is no way that Tobi can be Obito and who I think are the most logical possibilities.

 But before I get into all of that, there is something else that needs to be mentioned. A few years ago, before Tobi was introduced to be a major villain, half of the Naruto fanbase thought that Tobi was Obito, while the other half believed him to be none other than the legendary Madara Uchiha. Later, when Tobi claimed to be Madara, the Obito theorists were at a loss for words while the Madara theorists cheered in victory. The Obito theories started dying down. However, not too long ago, it was revealed that the legendary Madara Uchiha has been long dead and had been revived by the Impure World Resurrection. Once this occurred, the Madara theorists, including me, were the ones at a loss for words and there came a resurgence of the Obito theorists. So, it is my firm belief that the Obito theories must die down once again, and with my logic, I hope to bring them down.

So, let's get on with the discussion. There are many reasons why I think that there is no sense in the Obito theories.

First of all, Obito "died" in the Third Shinobi World War. Not long after that, Tobi attacked the Hidden Leaf Village with the Nine-Tailed Fox, Kurama. The time lapse between the two events is obviously not that long as Kakashi does not look much older in the latter event. Why is this important? Because during the attack on the Leaf, Tobi looks much taller than Obito. Not only that, but he also has the voice of a grown man. In relation to Kakashi's growth from the previous event, things obviously do not look right.

Second, Tobi knows too much. He knows about the Sage of the Six Paths and all of his history. He also knows a lot about the founding of the Hidden Leaf Village. Of course, it's wouldn't be too strange since this kind of information would possibly be found in books and scrolls. However, it appears that no one else from the current time period actually knows as much as him. He also acts as if he was there, during the founding of the village.

Third, Masashi Kishimoto, or Kishi, has confirmed that there is indeed a connection between Tobi and Madara. Madara died way before Obito came around. For them to be connected, it just doesn't make much sense for Tobi to be Obito.

The final point that I would like to make, even though there are many more subtle hints that I could mention, is this: Tobi has stated that he gave the Rinnegan to Nagato. Nagato was born way before Obito was. Tobi would have to be older than Nagato to have given him the Rinnegan, not younger since Nagato was a child when he activated the Rinnegan.

Well there you have it. Tobi simply cannot be Obito, and I have made many factual points to debunk this theory. Thank you for taking the time to read this!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Naruto Chapter 597 Discussion

Hello, and welcome to the first of my anime discussions! Today's long, in-depth discussion will be focused solely on a chapter of one of my favorite anime/manga series of all time, Naruto so, if you're a fan of this wonderful series, than it would be awesome if you leave a comment and give me feedback. Before I go on, let me warn you that spoilers are down below.

Last time, on chapter 596, Naruto, Kakashi, Might Guy, and Killer B were still fighting Tobi, the masked man. Kakashi had left a crack on Tobi's mask, giving him reason to believe that with his special Mangekyo Sharingan ability, Kamui, he could help win this fight. After Naruto passed through Tobi using a Rasengan, Kakashi warped it away with his Kamui, resulting in Tobi being blasted in the shoulder.

This chapter began with Kakashi giving a thorough explanation on how Tobi doesn't simply turn intangible, but sends parts of his body into another dimension, and it turns out that this dimension is the SAME DIMENSION that Kakashi's Kamui affects!!! This leads Kakashi to believe that his and Tobi's eyes are linked!! Whoa! Did not see that coming! A new plot twist had arrived.

But it did not simply end there. Kakashi went on further to ask Tobi, "Where did you get that eye?!" By eye, Kakashi obviously means Tobi's Sharingan, not his Rinnegan, just to clarify. Tobi replied that he got it in the Third Shinobi World War, during the Battle of Kannabi Bridge! This not only brings shock to Kakashi's hidden face, but to the readers as well. If you remember, Tobi is talking about the time period in which Kakashi, Obito, Rin, and Minato all had a special role to play. What is so shocking about this revelation is that the only person with a Sharingan at Kannabi Bridge was Obito!!! Earlier, Kakashi stated that his and Tobi's eye powers were linked, and the fact that Tobi got the Sharingan at Kannabi bridge both lead to one explanation: Tobi has Obito's eye!!!

Yes, Naruto fans. The author of Naruto, Masashi Kishimoto, has officially confirmed that Tobi is using Obito's other eye. But this just leads to another question: Is Tobi really Obito? Possibly, but let us look at another important piece of evidence.

What Tobi says here is very crucial and I think that it would be better if I kept it in Tobi's words:
"You're just words and no actions; what someone like you says is worth nothing! It's too late to regret... I want to build a world where heroes don't have to make pitiful excuses in front of graves." NO WAY. Long ago, before the battle at Kannabi Bridge, when Kakashi and Obito had their last meeting, Kakashi had believed in protecting his other friend, Rin, but he had failed at that too. This could be what Tobi is alluding too when he says that Kakashi is just words and no action. And we know that Kakashi shows up normally at Obito's grave, but the next panel shows Kakashi at a different grave, possibly Rin's. Could Tobi be Obito and be mad at Kakashi for not protecting Rin? No one knows for sure.

Let's keep going. The next thing to happen is this: Tobi, like Nagato before him, confronts Naruto's ideals about peace. When Naruto was first asked about how to achieve peace by Nagato, he didn't have an answer and said that he'll find it. Now, his best answer was "hope," but obviously that is not an acceptable answer for a man like Tobi. Here, it can be seen that Tobi, although not right in all of his ideals and deeds, does have some truth in what he says. Before Naruto can become hokage, he better have a sufficient answer. On a side note, it was great seeing Jiraiya and Minato again :) .

The final point that I would like to address is Naruto going back into the full tailed beast mode. It appears that Naruto and Kurama, the nine-tailed fox, are becoming closer as friends. This time, their form will probably last longer than five minutes. I wonder when he will truly start to become the fox itself instead of just a chakra cloak.

Finally, I would like to say that the color page with Naruto's different forms was amazing. It really showed Naruto's growth throughout the series. Tomorrow, look forward to a discussion about who I think Tobi is. Yes, that's right. I do not believe that Tobi is Obito. With that being said, have a great day to those who looked at this post!